PENDULUM CIRCLES ARE A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE answers as well. They go beyond the yes/no/maybe/not now answers. You can make a circle about anything-chakras, moon cycles, spells, love, career, colors, activities-the list crystals, goes on. The circle has to be split into an uneven number of sections so that the when the pendulum swings it has one answer to give you instead of two. Divide the circle into around nine to eleven parts that way it's easier to notice where the pendulum is swinging. I have provided a few circles for you to use and a few blanks so you can make your own. Another alternative is to draw a circle on a piece of paper and fill it in yourself. When you set the pendulum over the circle, allow the pendulum to hover at the center of the circle no more than an inch above it. The lower your pendulum, the easier it is to deter mine which wedge of the circle the pendulum is swinging toward.

I have noticed when I do this after asking my question, my pendulum tends to swing in a clockwise movement in the center of the circle, almost like it is trying out each answer given in each wedge. This can take up to one minute, so be patient with your pendulum. Once it has finished swinging in the center, it starts to move in different direc tions and then focuses movement on a particular wedge. If I am not sure exactly which wedge the pendulum is angling toward, I focus eyes downward-like a bird's-eye view over the pendulum and onto the circle and close one eye. This way I can see more clearly where the pendulum is swinging. If that doesn't help, then I take note of the two possibilities and ask the pendulum, "Was the answer you provided for me in section #2?" and so forth. my


This circle is a great one for the beginner to start getting a feel for the pendulum's swing. You could just use this diagram or make another like it to use at all times-your choice. up

YES - The answer to your question is yes.

NO -The answer to your question is no.

MAYBE - The answer to your question is maybe. Perhaps ask another question in more detail or word the question again so that it has a clearer meaning.

NOT NOW - There could be two ways your pendulum responds mot now-either it swings in the direction of Not Now or it stays sta ionary. Not now answers occur mainly in response to very personal questions that want a specific answer but that the pendulum may not be the right divination tool to address-so perhaps try oracle or tarot cards.

Use this circle to find out which crystal will best serve you for the day ahead. 

AMETHYST - intuition, third eye, calms emotions, aids in meditation, helps ease headaches, aids detoxing, improves focus, and aids in dream work.

CITRINE - happiness, abundance, wealth, enhances self esteem, solar plexus chakra, boosts creativity, manifestation, and aids in decision-making.

GREEN AVENTURINE - a great healer, calms emotions, heart chakra, opens one up to love, abundance, and aids in relaxation, money, luck, and success.

ROSE QUARTZ - friendship, heart chakra, aids in emotional healing, compassion, calmness, peace, romance, harmony, and nurturing.

CARNELIAN - courage, sacral chakra, boosts self-esteem and
confidence, eases aggression and anger, and increases personal power.

RED JASPER - strength, base chakra, boosts survival instincts, stability, protection, grounding, and aids in astral travel and meditation.

SODALITE - balances emotions, throat chakra, communi cation, aids in hypersensitivity, intuition, knowledge, and meditation. 

SMOKY QUARTZ - grounding, helps protect from negativity,
relaxation, and aids in improving mood.

MOONSTONE - brings out your feminine energy, soothing, calming, intuition, love, release, wisdom, insight, and boosts creativity.

Use this circle to work with the moon. You could ask this circle when a good time is to cast a certain spell, to do certain types of work in the yard or garden, to release, to expand, to seek new work, and so on. 
NEW MOON - This is a time for new beginnings and new growth. Start new projects and manifest what you want to bring into your life. 
WAXING CRESCENT - Visualize your dreams coming true. Have courage and faith that what you want will come to fruition.

FIRST QUATER - Take note of any difficulties that may arise in your life and have the confidence to see the greater good. Build, grow, and nourish.

WAXING GIBBOUS - This period is all about focusing on your
outcome and expanding and changing as you grow. Just flow with life.

FULL MOON - Release anything that stands in your way. Power and energies are heightened.

WANING GIBBOUS - Be gentle to yourself and relax. Remove
the unnecessary from your life, and just breathe. 

LAST QUARTER - Harvest the goods that you have sown relish what has been given to you and make way for the new.

WANING CRESCENT - Surrender to the powers that be and allow yourself the energy to start fresh again. 

DARK MOON - (a day before the new moon) A time for self
reflection, hibernation, and renewal.

This circle is to help you find out which chakra needs attention, balancing, or clearing or which chakra and the associated crystals, essential oils, and so on will assist your day greatly

CROWN CHAKRA -consciousness, wisdom, enlightenment. Crystals: elear quartz, amethyst. Essential oils: frankincense, juniper, ylang-ylang, Plants: lavender, rose, lotus.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA - intuition, psychic ability, knowledge. Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli. Essential oils: lavender, rosemary, frankincense. Plants: mugwort, violet, eyebright.

THROAT CHAKRA - communication, creativity, truth. Crystals: sodalite, blue lace agate. Essential oils: peppermint, tea tree, thyme. Plants: sage, peppermint, clove, star anise.

HEART CHAKRA - love, relationships, compassion. Crystals: rose quartz, green aventurine. Essential oils: eucalyptus, chamomile, lime. Plants: jasmine, gardenia, rose.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA -confidence, power, courage. Crystals: citrine, yellow fluorite. Essential oil: lemon, lemongrass, chamomile. Plants: lemon balm, pennyroyal, cinnamon.

SACRAL CHAKRA - emotions, pleasure, motivation. Crystals: carnelian, orange calcite. Essential oils: geranium, coriander, rosemary, Plants: nettle, yarrow, allspice.

BASE CHAKRA - security, grounding, stability. Crystals: red jasper, smoky quartz. Essential oils: vetiver, patchouli, sage. Plants: rosemary, valerian, patchouli.

We use colors every day for various reasons. Each colour has qualities that can help us emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Perhaps you're not sure what colour to wear or what colour will help uplift your mood. Let the pendulum find the answer for you!

BLACK - protection, release, strength, transformation, endings, rebirth, unique

BLUE - calming, knowledge, finding truth, communication,
intuition, clarity.

GREEN - abundance, nature, prosperity, luck, fertility, acceptance, healing, peace, well-being, success. 

PURPLE - spirituality, magic, psychic powers, divination,
wisdom, truth, intelligence, authority. 

ORANGE - ambition, courage, endurance, energy, power,
optimism, stimulation, action, abundance.

RED - vitality, passion, assertiveness, strength, willpower, determination, sexual energy, love, lust, desire.

PINK - love, relationships, nurture, affection, emotions, com passion, peace, sympathy, harmony.

YELLOW - happiness, creativity, prosperity, concentration,
inspiration, power, learning, willpower.

WHITE - purity, peace, cleansing, harmony, spirituality, birth/ death, power, wholeness, unity.

Sometimes we just need a little boost to help further ourselves our path, and our careers are a big part of our life path. On average, on we can change jobs ten to fifteen times in our working life; and I bet we dislike most of those jobs. A lot of aspects affect what we do for a living, so let's ask our higher self every now and then to give us a guiding nudge to help us onto the next step.

STAY PUT -This job serves well, so stay put for now. BE BRAVE-Time to fly, spread those wings, and journey high, whether it be asking for a raise or a promotion or looking elsewhere.

TAKE THE RISK - Follow your intuition and see what else is out there for you. Follow your heart.

MOVE ON -This job no longer serves your higher good so
perhaps now is the time to call it quits? 

RAISE THAT DOLLAR - Cha-ching!!! Either a bonus or raise
is coming your way or now is the time to ask for one!

IMPROVE KNOWLEDGE -Perhaps going back to college is a good idea, or attending workshops, seminars, or anything that will improve your knowledge base.

CHANGE IS ON THE WAY -Listen to your heart and go with the flow. Change is about to happen, so be open to what is offered to you.

ALLOW HELP - Now is the right time to ask for help. Don't think you need to do everything yourself; decrease the workload if need be.

LADDER RISING - Put in your application because you never know!

Many of us need a little help in the love department, and there's no better way than to ask your spiritual guides for some loving advice.

STOP LOOKING - You have either found a wonderful soul connection with someone already or you need to stop looking for a partner, as the act of looking may actually be hindering a connection with someone.

LOVE IS COMING YOUR WAY -Breathe and relax into this
situation, as love is just around the corner if you open your heart and eyes to what will be placed before you probably in unexpected ways. 

MOVE ON - You may be in a relationship at the moment that is not in your best interest, so perhaps let go of it. Someone else is out there waiting for you.

ALLOW SPACE - You may need space to reconnect with someone again. As the saying goes-absence makes the heart grow fonder.

FULL HEART - You are exactly where you need to be right now. Enjoy this loving union you have with your special person.

LOVE SPELL - Maybe its time to whip out the Book of Shadow and cast a spell to bring love into your life. Remember, never cast a spell that may interfere with someone else's free will!

TRUST - Trust that everything is going to be okay! You may have trust issues with your partner, and this may be a sign to trust your inner intuition. Listen to your heart.

Meditation methods are different for everybody. Perhaps there are a few methods that you love but you're not sure which one will be best at a particular time. Let's ask your higher self which method of meditation and relaxation will best serve you in a specific instance.

YOGA - Start yoga or get back into it. 

MEDITATION IN A SACRED SPACE - Set up a beautiful space and relax your mind.

HOBBIES - Get out your knitting needles, crochet hook, sewing machine, or woodworking tools and get into making something.

WALK IN NATURE - Enjoy fresh air, grounding, natural sur roundings, and relaxation. 

READ A BOOK - Sit down with a favorite book.

LISTEN TO MUSIC - Put up your feet and turn on your favourite tunes.

TAKE A BATH - Set the mood, light some candles, and relax in water.

WATCH A MOVIE - Grab some popcorn and sit down to watch your favorite movie or try a new one (perhaps nonviolent!). 

GARDEN - Tend to your garden, get your hands dirty, and listen to the birds sing.

COOK - Bake or cook to your heart's content and really relish the process of creating something yummy.

SHOP - They do say that shopping is therapy!

EXERCISE - Get outside and move your body or pop on your favorite dance music indoors and move to the beat.

We tend to busy our lives with so much-work, social commitments, family, friends, and so on-that we tend to override what we need to focus on and not listen to what our intuition is telling us. We may need to improve our health, relationships, and more, so let's see where we need to improve.

EAT A BETTER DIET - Your body may be craving healthy, nourishing food right now.

EXERCISE MORE - Get outside and move your body. Do this regularly to get those happy endorphins flowing and to improve your health. 

SPEND TIME WITH YOUR PARTNER - Perhaps you need to spend more time with your partner or in the company of those you love.

GET OUTDOORS - Nothing beats Mother Nature.

BE KINDER TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS - Work from the heart and give gratitude always.

INDULGE YOURSELF - Get a massage, a new haircut-anything!! 

LEARN NEW SKILLS - Get to that workshop that you have
wanted to attend.

TAKE A BREAK - Spend time by yourself-stay home or go on a vacation.

different eyes and see things in a more positive note. 

work-you'll never know what you might find if you change your path.

DECREASE SOCIAL MEDIA USE - Ban the use of social media for a few days and see the amazing change it has on your life.

Choosing among all the different divination tools you can use can get a little overwhelming. Some days you might have no idea which tool

to use. So, let the pendulum choose the best one for you.

PENDULUM - Well this one has several books about it!

ORACLE CARDS - Ask a question and either pull a few cards intuitively or allow some to fly out the deck. 

TAROT CARDS - Again, ask a question and intuitively pull
cards, let them fly out the deck, or create a card spread.

RUNES - Cast the stones or small pieces of wood with different MEDITATION-Sit quietly in meditation and allow guidance symbols on them come in.

TEA LEAVES - Read the tea leaf pattern at the bottom of a cup. 

RANDOM PAGE IN A BOOK - I love to intuitively select a book and choose a page. Every time I do this the messages and guidance from the words on the page are spot on.

You can use this circle to spell out the letters in a worded answer to a question or perhaps to ask the name of your higher self. I received the name of my higher self by using the pendulum with the alphabet circle: Lezley.

Always protect yourself with any of the cleansing methods men tioned previously, such as burning a smudge stick, white light, and so on. I like to burn some of my homemade energy-cleansing incense (dried rosemary, rose petals, white sage, and lavender) when doing this and protect myself with a ring of white light, asking only for my wisdom beyond to join me.

Do not have any fear, as using the pendulum in a circle of letters is not like using a Quija board. You are always connected to your higher self; however, it's always a good idea to cleanse the space you are working in before proceeding with any spiritual work. I have felt safe using the alphabet circle and only contacted my higher self (Lezley) when asking for words to my questions.

Using this circle takes a bit of practice, as the wedges are quite close together. Be patient and don't rush the answers, as the pen dulum may take a while to swing to a letter. You may find it easier to enlarge this circle on another sheet of paper.

I also find that before I receive the first letter, the pendulum likes to rotate around in the center for some time. I think that this is the pendulum and my higher self "getting to know" the circle and where the letters are.

Have fun and enjoy the process, as this is a different spin on the usual pendulum circles.


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