

LUCIFER LUCIFER AND HIS FALL Lucifer, formerly known as Helel, was one of the earliest of God's creations, the twin brother of the Angel Michael the father of Akiel, and His favourite. Lucifer was one of the first angels to be created by God. Lucifer was said to be the brightest in all of creation and was the most revered to and the most praised among the angels for his beauty and power. This in the process, caused Lucifer to be prideful of himself. Lucifer is said to be a True Archangel and one of the first to be created, thus he was appointed as the prince of the choir. Lucifer illuminated the pathways to Paradise for departed and misguided souls, burning through the shadow of Death to reveal the morning of Jehovah. So immense was his grace and power that his throne was positioned atop a mountain anointed by God Himself; adorned with burning stones known only as the stones of fire, infused with the fires of the Sun to give light to the dead and the lost as Lucifer gui...


WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR SOUL AND SPIRIT? The Greek word for spirit is pneuma. It refers to the part of man that connects and communicates with God. Our spirit differs from our soul because our spirit is always pointed toward and exists exclusively for God, whereas our soul can be self-centered. Soul and Spirit are two words that are generally thought to be interchangeable but strictly speaking there is a difference between soul and spirit. As a result, they are not interchangeable and should be used differently. Soul is the entity that is considered all pervading. Spirit, on the other hand, is not all pervading. It pertains to an individual. In other words, the word spirit is used as a synonym of soul, though they cannot be used in that way. The talk of the soul and spirit is very much done in Christianity. Bearing all this information in mind, let us see what more differences there exist between soul and spirit. WHAT   DOES SOUL   MEAN? Acco...


INTRODUCTION TO PENDULUMS - PART 4 PENDULUM CIRCLES PENDULUM CIRCLES ARE A GREAT WAY TO RECEIVE answers as well. They go beyond the yes/no/maybe/not now answers. You can make a circle about anything-chakras, moon cycles, spells, love, career, colors, activities-the list crystals, goes on. The circle has to be split into an uneven number of sections so that the when the pendulum swings it has one answer to give you instead of two. Divide the circle into around nine to eleven parts that way it's easier to notice where the pendulum is swinging. I have provided a few circles for you to use and a few blanks so you can make your own. Another alternative is to draw a circle on a piece of paper and fill it in yourself. When you set the pendulum over the circle, allow the pendulum to hover at the center of the circle no more than an inch above it. The lower your pendulum, the easier it is to deter mine which wedge of the circle the pendulum is swinging toward. I have noticed whe...


WICCA, PAGANISM AND WITCHCRAFT RITUALS HOW TO DRESS A CANDLE "Dressing" is the term most often used to mean anointing the candle with oil. Dressing the candle is done in the following procedure: • Starting from the center of the candle, rub your oil on the candle's surface with your right hand (left, if you're left-handed), upward to the candle's wick. Continue rubbing the oil on the candle's surface, from the center upwards until the entire top half of the candle is anointed. • Then from the candle's center, rub downward to the bottom of the candle. Continue rubbing the oil from the center downward until the bottom half of the candle's surface is anointed. It is very important that you concentrate upon the symbolism which the candle has in your ritual while you're anointing it. The act of concentration while anointing the candle with oil firmly sets in the mind of the operator the vibratory influence which the candle will have duri...


WEEKLY HOROSCOPES FOR MARCH 28 - APRIL 3 ARIES 21/03 - 19/04 A disappointing start to this week will belie how good it's going to get. You may have to wrangle with some conflict at home or at work early on, but things should improve rapidly - especially if you keep a level head and you don't overreact, Aries. The answer to an application or a negotiation may come to you by the middle of the week, with a response that may make you feel like celebrating. But although this should be good news, don't get carried away sharing the details with anyone just yet. Keep it to yourself until the perfect moment, which is when all the details are in place. A project that was unexpectedly delayed a while back may start to move forward again, but you might not be prepared because you weren't expecting it just yet. Don't worry - the universe will place the help you need within easy reach, so just stay positive. A colleague or someone in your neighborhood who is envious o...

AKASHIC RECORDS - PART 7 Master Your Life And Raise Your Vibration

AKASHIC RECORDS - PART 7 Master Your Life And Raise Your Vibration  AKASHIC   RECORDS EXPANDED GOING DEEPER INTO THE RECORDS Once you are more comfortable in the Akashic Records and information starts flowing in, you will want to start becoming more inquisitive while in the Records. Digging deeper into the Records as a curious investigator will help you to experience deeper shifts when you're doing your work to heal yourself and when you're reading for others. The information here will give you some guidance while doing readings and healings in the Records. When you work with the Records, you want to ask good questions. The questions you ask will be more powerful when they are open-ended. Try not to ask questions with yes or no answers because they won't produce the best kind of information. Included in this chapter below is a list of sample questions to get you started. When you ask your questions, try not to get too emotionally caught up in the ans...