AKASHIC RECORDS - PART 7 Master Your Life And Raise Your Vibration

AKASHIC RECORDS - PART 7 Master Your Life And Raise Your Vibration 


Once you are more comfortable in the Akashic Records and information starts flowing in, you will want to start becoming more inquisitive while in the Records. Digging deeper into the Records as a curious investigator will help you to experience deeper shifts when you're doing your work to heal yourself and when you're reading for others. The information here will give you some guidance while doing readings and healings in the Records.

When you work with the Records, you want to ask good questions. The questions you ask will be more powerful when they are open-ended. Try not to ask questions with yes or no answers because they won't produce the best kind of information. Included in this chapter below is a list of sample questions to get you started.

When you ask your questions, try not to get too emotionally caught up in the answers. Work on becoming an impartial observer while in the Records. Observing what the Records tell you will help you to get deeper answers and the healings will be more profound.

Although I am giving you an upgraded method below and a list of questions, you will find that getting into the energy of inquisitiveness for yourself will serve you well. When you are curious and want to look deeper, and you're interested in knowing more, the questions to ask will naturally come to you.

The best advice I can give is to go into the Records with an open heart and mind. Play with the ideas and healing and don't take anything too seriously. I know healing is a serious business, but you will get the best results when you approach any healing with a childlike imagination, open heart, and belief in miracles!


You can also go into the Akashic Records to bring forward wisdom or knowledge. To do that go into the Records and ask the information and wisdom to come through. You can ask to receive anything from how to use a computer program to techniques such as writing a book.

The Records hold all the information so you can access some profound gifts, tools, wisdom, attributes and spiritual tools and gifts. You've been in the Records many times while reading this book and you are just doing the same thing you have done throughout this book. Go into the Akashic Records, make an intention and ask to receive information and knowledge.

When I feel stuck in a project, or I want to start something I've never done before I go into the Records and ask to receive the information I need. Sometimes its given without words and or I am downloaded the information in one moment.

For instance, while writing this book, I would ask to receive the information needed to share the wisdom of the Records easily. I would sit at my computer and the words would flow with little effort from me or I would be downloaded the process.


When you feel stuck and you are ready to take your healing to the next level, or you want to heal a huge pattern you've discovered in your life, you are ready to upgrade the healing potential of the Records. Everything you do in the Records will start to become an organic experience. Please stay open and don't try to overthink anything.

Feeling stuck in old patterns and emotions can be very discouraging. If you feel something isn't clearing in the Records, take some time away and ask your higher consciousness to help you while going about your life. Taking a step back will take the ego's need to control out of the forefront of the problem.

When you feel ready, go back into the Records and do these extra steps but remember, this is an organic process, so allow it to flow.

1. You will want to start the process in Working with the Akashic Records

2.  When you get to the place where you feel unsure or stuck: 

A. Know that it can be anywhere in the healing process.

B.  Take a breath and make sure you are in your heart.

3.  Ask to see the situation and story differently: 

A. Be open to seeing the situation differently.

B.  Stay in your heart and be the observer without judgment.

C.  Unwind any old trauma patterns that show up. 4. This heals things on the cellular level and rewires the neural pathways in your brain.

The reason this is so life changing is because your past stories of hurt or pain create a whole lifetime of hurt and pain. But these are just stories. I have heard thousands of stories from people and, to be honest, they all start sounding the same. While you are in the Records, you will notice that all these lifetimes of stories are the same story with different characters. Take your power back from the difficult stories and start living the story of unconditional Love, inner peace, and Joyful bliss!


The questions and list below are just ideas and are in no way a complete list. Please feel free to add to the lists or change anything to suit your needs.

You will ask lots of questions while you are working in the Records.

• How is this pattern like my family patterns?

• How did I feel?

• Where did this Karmic pattern or Karmic tie originate?

• What can I learn?

• What else do I need to know to experience the deepest healing?

• What is the benefit of this pattern?

• What do I get out of having this in my life/relationships?

• When did this begin for me?

• What was the traumatic trigger that started this pattern?

• How has this pattern affected my family?

• How has this pattern affected my relationships?


You will want to ask the same questions above, and since you are already in their Records you will get the answers for them!

Patterns to Pay Attention to While in the Akashic Records

When you are in the Records, pay attention to the energy. If it feels very heavy or stuck, explore whether or not it is part of a larger pattern. Below are examples of possible patterns. They can also be a focus for you if you'd like to go into the Records and intentionally clear these different energy patterns one by one, or whatever calls to you for healing.


• Sacrifice
• Sacrifice Part of Yourself
• Martyr
• Prove yourself
• Lack of authenticity
• Against family policy or belief system
• Family shame
• Betrayal 
• Abuse (Physical/Mental/Emotional/
• Addiction
• Grief
• Abandonment
• Guilt
• Victim
• Chaos 
• Ego 
• Power
• Self-Righteous
• Physical/Emotional/Mental   
•  Ailments
• Prejudice
• Lack
• Perseverance
• Lack of financial freedom


You came here with gifts, and they can be very diverse. We wouldn't want everyone to be a great artist or musician. While you are in the Akashic Records, ask what gifts are innate within you. Most likely there are quite a few of them, so stay open to the possibilities. One interesting gift I have seen in a few people is the gift of connection. These people can connect people together; they will say, "You should talk to Sally, I feel you, and she can help each other." My point here is that some gifts are usually not what humans would call gifts. Please be open and allow that information to flow.

Again, this list is not complete. It is just a starting point. Be open and available to what the Records are showing you.


• Ability to Connect People Together
• Seeing the Truth Seeing Beyond the Illusion
• Having an Open Heart (Even if it's not open now.)
• Relaying Information with Ease Understanding Human Beings
• Comprehending the Larger Purpose of Things
• Seeing the Patterns in the World 
• How Energy Operates
• Connecting with Others Intimately
• Understanding How Things are Organized
• Ability to Lead Others

Notice none of these gifts is a vocation. You have come here to express these gifts. but it doesn't matter how you use do that. For instance, you could have the gift of Comprehending the Larger Purpose of Things, and you could decide to express it through a corporate business, while another person might choose to express it by being an advocate for the environment. In both of these examples, you work very different jobs, but both of you use your gifts to do your jobs.

Another example of this is the gift of Connecting with Others Intimately. One person may express this through writing poetry, and another may express it by being a healer. They both make people feel safe, and they both utilize the gift of intimacy to connect.

Some people don't understand or allow these gifts to be present in their life. They have too much trauma, Karma, and ego to express them completely. You will want to work in the Records and transcend as much of your Karmic patterns as possible, so you naturally start to fully express your gifts.

When you no longer live in your past, you feel Oneness and bliss. You'll be able to express your gifts. You will be astonished how new experiences and opportunities will be more available to you!



There is a phrase I have often heard, which is, "Honey, you are only human." It's true. You are human, you exist in a human body, and you are experiencing existence on the Earth Plane. You may not, yet, be at the highest vibration that you could be but the potential is there. You are human, and you are a light being, connected to the Divine. You have the potential to develop abilities beyond what most people call normal like telepathy and intuition.

Writing this book has been a pleasure. The information contained within the Akashic Records can drastically change your life, especially since the energy is multidimensional. All along, the material that you have been reading connects you to the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field. The energy of the Records work on you even when you are reading the book, so you do not just absorb the material mentally, you absorb it energetically.

My intention is to help you transcend your Karma and embrace more of who you are. Then after you create those inner changes, you can see big changes happening in your physical life, as well. I have tried to explain the simple, yet complex relationship between how to transcend the lower experiences and feelings so that you can create the life you desire. Each concept I relayed is a part of this, like Karma, ego, illusion, Soul Purpose and self-realization.

I want to help you understand the interaction of these concepts and how they all work together to help you transcend the lower vibrations and ego self. They work together to help you connect to the energy of your higher consciousness, like self Love, Inner Peace, blissful Joy, and Oneness.

When you incarnate here on Earth, you come into a very dense reality, but that is only part of it. You are also from the animal world, and that means you have animal reactions like fight, flight, freeze, and hide. The animal reaction is part of the ego and the ego's drive to survive. The key to your existence here is to override those animal instincts with your higher consciousness. It will take you out of reactionary mode into Oneness mode.

So, your Karmic patterns and ego fuel these instinctual reactions and the illusion keeps them stuck in your everyday experiences. Then these reactions become a habit and you start reacting to minor events like your life depends on it. The work you do in the Akashic Records will help you recognize these reactionary patterns and transcend them.

The way to transcend is to become more aware of the illusion of the world and your unconscious reactions. Most of the time you are reacting from a default in your subconscious, which means you are unaware of what you are doing to create your reality before you go through the motions. When operating on this subconscious, instinctive level, most people don't ever even realize the full meaning of their actions even after the fact. They feel their behavior or response was justified, and this is where self-realization comes in! When you are more aware of what's happening and of the connection to your Soul-self, Karmic patterns, your animal nature and the illusion, you start to transcend the ego self.

So your Soul Purpose on this plane is to transcend the Karmic patterns that you've been working through lifetime after lifetime. You chose to come here to transcend the Karmic patterns. These patterns create experiences and opportunities to overcome or transcend. You incarnate here with the purpose to transcend your Karma, but then you start to believe in and get caught in the illusion of this world. You start to believe that what you see and hear is real and that you are a victim of the circumstances. You believe you don't have any control over what happens to you. The only way to overcome this false belief is self-realization.

With this newfound realization, you can easily go into the Akashic Records and heal your past by connecting with your Karmic Patterns and your Soul. You will heal and unwind your Karma, see that the story is just an illusion and recreate your story. You'll have the power to reshape your life as your Karma shifts and your old patterns dissipate.

The Records are your connection to the Divine. This connection will serve you for years, as you navigate the Akashic Records to receive healings, gifts, wisdom, and the ability to help others. After all, you are here to master the planes and your bodies, which is easier to do when you are opening up to healings and gifts from the Records. You will achieve your purpose more quickly.

The most life altering aspect of the Records is that you will start changing immediately as soon as you connect to the energy of the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field. You start to change so quickly because the energy of the Quantum

Field and the Records are designed as a transformational tool.

The depth of the healing you will feel will become deeper and more profound as you continue to work through all your Karma in the Akashic Records. You'll feel this deep transformation, as you transcend and live in a way that is more connected to your higher consciousness, and then you'll continue to raise your vibration even more.

You may experience natural changes in your life when you transform from those lower vibrations into higher vibrations, like connection, unattachment, and love. You may even notice changes in the people around you, matching you as you grow. You are attracting different situations to you. Some problems may naturally disappear, or new solutions may easily appear instead. It will be easier to make new choices, instead of being stuck in old patterns. Hooray!

Even if you only have a few minutes a day, take the time go into the energy of the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field and be open to the energy. You can also go there during your meditations, and be open to the energy, like Oneness and Divine Creation. Just being in the Records on the Quantum Field can help you transform and raise your vibration.

Everything you have just read is helping you reach the higher states of consciousness and
master the lower planes and your life. Use the Akashic Records as much as you can
to raise your vibration and bring in your higher conscious! This will be a huge part of your journey!


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