ARIES 21/03 - 19/04
A disappointing start to this week will belie how good it's going to get. You may have to wrangle with some conflict at home or at work early on, but things should improve rapidly - especially if you keep a level head and you don't overreact, Aries. The answer to an application or a negotiation may come to you by the middle of the week, with a response that may make you feel like celebrating. But although this should be good news, don't get carried away sharing the details with anyone just yet. Keep it to yourself until the perfect moment, which is when all the details are in place. A project that was unexpectedly delayed a while back may start to move forward again, but you might not be prepared because you weren't expecting it just yet. Don't worry - the universe will place the help you need within easy reach, so just stay positive. A colleague or someone in your neighborhood who is envious of you may do something sneaky, but they are powerless to change anything important - so don't give your energy to that. Be careful about lending money this week, for you might not get it back if you do, and there could be damage to a relationship if that happens. 

TAURUS 20/04 - 20/05
If you were to write a dream itinerary for your week ahead, Taurus, what would it include? You may have some very specific ideas about that, but narrowing down what you want to happen could be a mistake. This will be a free-flowing week with many chances for happiness and personal gain, but only if you are willing to flow with the tide, rather than fighting against it in pursuit of a perfect preconceived experience. Think of it as floating in an inner tube down a peacefully moving creek, enjoying the scenery as you go. Although you are a pragmatic person, you may have trouble thinking clearly this week, feeling more inclined toward creative thinking. That's okay. Don't be afraid to apply more imaginative aspects to your plans for the week, even those related to work and business. You may be upset with someone who has gotten away with an unfairness toward you or someone you care about. And because of this, you may be thinking of a way to hold them accountable. It might be wiser, though, to let the universe do that for you. Karma is real, though you may not have the gratification of watching what happens. It will be easier for you to just go on with your life happily. That's really the best revenge.

GEMINI 21/05 - 20/06
What are you waiting for? That may be the preeminent thought among those who know you and are aware of a particular passion of yours. You have talked a lot about doing something that you feel passionate about, yet something must be stopping you from going ahead with it, dear Gemini. One of your most important missions for this week should be figuring out why you have been all talk and no action on this matter. You have the potential now to take this to the next level. Someone in your life that you care for may have experienced a perceived "fall from grace" recently. This may not be as bad as they see it, but you have probably noticed a difference in the relationship, and that may be why. Your upbeat way of inspiring could do wonders for this person, so turn on the charm. You may be concerned that you don't have all the information you need for a work project. Don't worry about that. Just go forward with what you have and things will gravitate toward you when you need them. You have a risk of getting behind on your obligations this week if you don't remain vigilant. If you have experienced bad dreams recently, and they are having a lasting effect on your mood, try to find something good in them - something that can help you get closure or peace with a recurring issue. 

CANCER 21/06 - 22/07
You are finally receiving the complete validation you need this week to see that your efforts have been not just appreciated, but that you are seen as quite impressive. Don't forget this, Moonchild. You have a tendency to downplay compliments and praise, but you need to store this moment securely in your memory bank to refer to throughout the future. You may also receive a message or news that you are well-loved by someone you have not heard from in some time. This is likely to be music to your ears, and a sure sign that you should reach out to this individual. There may be some confusion surrounding a community situation you have become involved in, perhaps as a volunteer. Something you worked hard at may be interpreted in the wrong way, and you will have a chance to straighten it out. When you do, this will achieve exactly the goal you were after. Someone is playing hardball in a negotiation, and despite the perception you give of being mild-mannered and shy, you can pack a punch. This is the time to step up and show how strong you are. Your opponent will probably back away quickly once they see who they're really dealing with. 

LEO 23/07 - 22/08
Someone may keep demanding your attention this week, and not in a pleasant and respectful way. Don't judge them on that. They may be feeling panicked to get something they need from you, such as information or advice. If you have it to give, Leo, this could be a great chance to give back. You may find yourself being hyper-sensitive and very aware of the behavior of people around you this month, and perhaps a bit suspicious about some things too. This could be because you are stressed in some way, most probably because of your work. Give yourself a reprieve from these thoughts - set them aside for a time when you aren't feeling so much tension. Later in the week, you should begin to feel more comfortable about your life in general, and your mood will be more easygoing. This is a great time to get out for a change of scenery and spend time with your favorite optimists. That will do you good. If you find yourself feeling a bit disorganized this week, making a list and crossing each task off as you go will help. And once you have that sense of being in control, it will lift your spirit and make you feel more confident. 

VIRGO 23/08 - 22/09
You are a hard-working person with a very strong and admirable work ethic. And when you are not able to complete something you promised, it upsets you deeply. This week, don't get so caught up in a deadline that you get too stressed to do your best work. You are always concerned about your reputation, but there is nothing negative about asking for more time if it's necessary. Be careful not to let someone else's anxiety affect you this week. You may have to deal with short tempers and stressed conditions this week, but it really isn't your problem. If you need to get away from a negative environment, take some time to yourself to take a walk or drive around the block in your car. Whatever it takes. You may learn about a networking event that could put you in the company of people who can help you to advance a goal, but it may seem a bit boring. Don't prejudge this based on minimal information. You are in a time of transformation, and making good connections is a good way to start initiating some of the changes in your life that you have been hoping for. This is a good time to ramp up your fitness routine. A bit of aerobic exercise can do wonders for the sense of restlessness you may be feeling now. 

LIBRA 23/09 - 22/10Someone may have a tale to tell you this week, Libra, but will you listen? This may stem from gossip you have already heard, but it's wise to steer away from ramblings of a harsh nature, since you can't count on them being true. If there is information you need that is connected to a story someone wants to talk about, then go directly to the source, or you could be fooled. You aren't exactly considered being a non-conformist, but this week you may have an idea that does not jive with those in your group. Since this may be an unusual experience for you, be brave and soldier through it. Stick to your guns and to what you believe in, and friends may come around. You may have the urge to hibernate for a while in response to a stressful situation around the middle of the week, but you are urged to get out and about, anyway. If you do, you will see that there really isn't anything big to worry about, and you will be able to nip the problem in the bud. Something you have been hoping for may come much closer this week, and if you connect the dots and reach out to the right people, you could take a dream to the finish line before the end of the week. 

SCORPIO 23/10 - 22/11
The week could start out quite busy for you, dear Scorpio. There may be demands coming from all angles, including work, home, children if you have them, and even neighbors and friends. Everyone seems to need you, which may feel good on one hand, but draining on the other. Just do what you can, and don't sacrifice your own personal schedule for anyone else unless it's urgent. A combative friend may instigate trouble this week - perhaps this could be a fire sign - but you can tame the savage beast using your gift for psychological insight. Figure out the problem, and address it directly. They will be happy for the intervention. You may find that you always turn to another person in your life, rather than yourself, for comfort and advice on certain problems that keep popping up. If this problem comes up again this week, try a different approach. Rather than immediately seeking out help from elsewhere, decide that you can and will handle it on your own. You are certainly capable. Rather than giving up on a project that has come to seem too labor-intensive, just take a break from it for a little while. You may just need to feel refreshed rather than give up on it altogether. By the weekend, you may feel a renewed feeling of energy and enthusiasm. 

SAGITTARIUS 22/11 - 21/12
You may have the desire to work on a creative project this week, Sagittarius, and that could be very good for you. It will give you the chance to express things you aren't ready to open up about and channel good energy into something tangible. This is also a good time to network with other creative people and also to brainstorm. Do your best to carve out some family time this week, as well as time for your romantic partner if you have one. You may find that keeping that connection with those who know you best is good for your soul, and that can be quite soothing. You may find yourself dabbling in a little of this and a little of that, as different tasks call for your attention. It may feel like dabbling and it may seem like a waste of time, but you will accomplish more than you realize. Don't fret over it. Tabulate all that you have accomplished at the end of the week, and you'll see how quickly it will add up. If you are willing to be spontaneous this week - and you usually are - you might meet some new friends and have some fun in a different atmosphere. This could turn out to be the start of some great alliances. 

CAPRICORN 22/10 - 19/01
You may have recently shared a dream of yours with someone special, and they may be captivated by it, even if they didn't show it at the time. In the week ahead, that person may begin to come up with ideas that complement your dream and encourage you to pursue it. This could become a great team effort if you're open to it, dear Capricorn. You could learn of an increase in income this week - perhaps through a raise or a chance to take on an extra assignment. Rather than fantasizing about how you will splurge with these extra funds, create a plan for setting a percentage aside for a rainy day, or for something you wish to save for. You could soon receive an invitation to take part in an unusual adventure. Although the event itself may not happen this week, it will give you plenty to think about. Be sure you're prepared and that you clean up old work so that you can fully enjoy this excursion. A surprise visit or call from someone you haven't talked to in a long time could be startling at first, but once you start conversing, it will be like you never skipped a beat. This individual may be coming to your area for a visit or forever, so this could be an exciting reunion. 

AQUARIUS 20/01 - 18/02
We all make judgments about other people based on what our own ideas of normalcy are, and yet we all have different ideas of what is normal. This week, Aquarius, be very careful about your own judging. You may find that if you get tangled up in judgments that are based on your own experiences, you could miss out on getting to know a really wonderful individual just because their background is different from yours. You may find that your energy is a bit fractured this week, which could lead to you bouncing around from one task to the next and working hard, yet not accomplishing much of anything. Slow down and take some time to "smell the roses." You have done too much running around trying to keep up a pace that is not natural, and it is wearing you down. When you stop for a moment, it will begin to seem like the world is traveling in slow motion, and you will start to recognize what is truly important. Surprises are the order of the day, or rather the week. Even though it may seem silly and even foolish to say, "expect the unexpected," that's exactly what you must do. In other words, be ready and willing to flow with whatever circumstances fall into your path, and you will gain a lot in the days ahead. 

PISCES 19/02 - 20/03
Ho hum, what a boring week. Really? That may be what you think at the start of this week, dear Pisces, but your perception will most likely change dramatically and pretty quickly. In fact, this could turn out to be a week unlike any other, with strange happenings and mystical experiences that inspire you to think very deeply. There could be a holdup, a bottleneck, or a blockage - whatever you wish to call it - with finances. This is not a permanent thing, though, so there is no need to worry. However, this delay will give you time to pause and to think more seriously about the path you are on with your financial pursuits. You may arrive at some conclusions that will allow you to restructure your spending and saving patterns and to build a more secure future. Thoughts related to a goal-oriented endeavor may steer you in a new direction this week. You may find that your old ideals of where you want to go in life will need some adjusting, and that is a great thing to work on. Just be sure that you are being true to your soul's purpose as you make decisions connected to this. You are one of a kind, Pisces, and your choices need to reflect who you truly are, not what others want you to be. 


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